
             4X4 MULTI STEP BLOCK


A light, dry-stack concrete unit, generally used for constructing low terrace walls, stairs and seating arrangements.

Aimed at providing efficient and economical steps in conjunction with the original retaining blocks of his design, they soon became very popular not only for stairway access, but also to provide comfortable, practical stair and seating arrangements at leisure amenities and school sports facilities.

duty erosion and sediment control, as well as effective storm water and sea shore erosion control.

These blocks are manufactured with either a smooth or rockface texture.

4x4 Multi Step Block

A light, dry-stack concrete unit, generally used for constructing low terrace walls, stairs and seating arrangements.

Aimed at providing efficient and economical steps in conjunction with the original retaining blocks of his design, they soon became very popular not only for stairway access, but also to provide comfortable, practical stair and seating arrangements at leisure amenities and school sports facilities.

4x4 Multi Step Block

A light, dry-stack concrete unit, generally used for constructing low terrace walls, stairs and seating arrangements.

Aimed at providing efficient and economical steps in conjunction with the original retaining blocks of his design, they soon became very popular not only for stairway access, but also to provide comfortable, practical stair and seating arrangements at leisure amenities and school sports facilities.

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